
Clear all text on one method

There are two parameters that send to this method.

1. Parent control such as panel , group box etc.
2. Control that you want to ignore.

Sample Code

Private Sub ClearData(ByVal parentCtr As Control, _

Optional ByVal ignoreControl As Control = Nothing)
ctr As Control

For Each ctr In parentCtr.Controls

If Not (ctr Is ignoreControl) Then

If TypeOf ctr Is TextBox Then

ctr.Text = ""

ElseIf TypeOf ctr Is ComboBox Then

DirectCast(ctr, ComboBox).SelectedIndex = -1

ElseIf TypeOf ctr Is ListBox Then

CType(ctr, ListBox).Items.Clear()

End If

End If

ClearData(ctr, ignoreControl)


End Sub


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